Monday, January 10, 2011

Mommy Time!!

I sure wish I could get every day to work out like this!!  Both my babies taking a nap at the same time!! It's Monday so Daddy works late. The combination of these things finds me having real quality "Mommy Time" for the first time in a long time! I've got laundry in the washer & dryer & I am actually working on a project I hope to soon have in my esty shop!  I will  share pictures when it is done! ... & I'm sure that won't be today!! haha!!

Don't want to waste these precious few moments to myself so I'm off to enjoy!!

Friday, January 7, 2011


I cannot take credit for these words but I found them inspiring & wanted to share:

"Standing at the end of one year and the beginning of another I've been doing some thinking: did I change in ways I wanted to change this part year? Did I accomplish what I set out to accomplish? Or do I find myself much the same as I was twelve months ago? I wish the answers were simply yes, yes, and no, but it's not quite so simple. The Bible says "Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun" (2 Cor 5:17, NLT). As a follower of Jesus, why do I struggle at times to experience 'newness', i.e., positive change and growth?  A book I recently read posed some great questions. If God is the source of life, why do I work so hard to secure my life instead of simply receiving from him? If God controls everything, why do I try to control things instead of yielding to His control? If God is the Judge of good and evil, why do I make my own judgments instead of honoring His? If God sets the rules of life, why do I make my own rules instead of obeying His? Looking back, the times I've struggled to grow were the times I was avoiding questions like these. But, with these truths in mind, this new year can be a good way. How about you, how is your new year shaping up?" Pastor Andy Vallace Heartland Alliance Church

Zombie Land

I am not a good sleeper. My children are not good sleepers.  I have dark circles under my eyes to prove it!! I have always been a light sleeper - the smallest noise can wake me! The combination of these two things leaves me dazed feeling like I am walking around in zombie land! 

The worst started when I was 5 months pg with Camden. I would wake in cold sweats at night worried sick - that because I had not felt him move - something was wrong. If I was not worrying about his lack of nighttime movement - I worried about fires, tornadoes, nuclear war ... anything & everything that could harm my precious cargo! I did not sleep - I worried. Things only got worse when he was born. I was a nervous wreck that my son would fall victim to SIDS & having had a previous experience with SIDS my fears were overwhelming! Because Joe worked nights it was easy to cater to my fears by putting Camden in bed beside me - where I could drift in & out of sleep all night listening to him breath or if necessary lay my hand right on him so I could feel him breath. So yes, while Camden is now almost 2 & sleeps in his own bed, it is my fault he wakes in the middle of the night more times than not just wanting to touch me while he drifts back to sleep. 

I had not deliberately set out to be a co-sleeper with my child so when I got pregnant with Maggie I was determined things would be different! She WOULD sleep in her bassinet or crib! She WOULD NOT sleep with me! She WOULD NOT die of SIDS! I spent my pregnancy worrying my way through sleepless nights & working with Camden to get him sleeping in his big boy bed. By the time Maggie's scheduled arrival date was here we had big boy bed success!  & when we brought 5 day Maggie home she took right to her bassinet & slept peacefully through the night - every night - from day one! I of coarse spent my nights in & out of sleep checking my children to make sure they were still breathing & worrying the usual worries but content that they were in their own beds & my restless sleeping was back to normal.

I don't know what went wrong that disrupted our peaceful nights! It seemed to happen suddenly without warning! At almost 4 months old Maggie started waking at night - not once - not twice - but sometimes 5, 6, 7 or more times!! & of coarse having inherited his mother's light sleeper problem Camden was soon up with us!

& so desperate for a few minutes of sleep we are back to co-sleeping. I've tried everything from setting up a bedtime routine complete with lavender baths & story time to supplementing in a formula bottle with cereal. I have researched the internet - where experts insist babies DO NOT FIGHT sleep it is a behavior issues... sure would like to invite an expert to my house for a night or two who could explain that to my daughter! 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A place to be me

Being a mommy rocks!! I live on Sesame Street & take daily trips on the Dinosaur Train to World World! I get to play ball, speed around a race car track, & sing silly songs all day long! The downside is I have not slept through the night since I was 5 months pregnant with my son - we are talking October 2008 here!! Going to the bathroom alone is a thing of the past & speaking of things of the past I can't remember the last time I had a hot steamy bubble bath, dressed in pretty clothes for a night on the town or enjoyed sitting down for a hot meal (I usually stand at the counter)! But the rewards are plenty! I get to wear comfy pants, don't have to waste time on make up & hair styles because my kiddy fan club loves me just the way I am! I get paid daily with slobbery dimple faced grins & these to die for bear hugs!  

I've been reading other people's scrapbook blogs for years.  I am a lurker I've never registered as a follower. Guess now I might have to change that!  I've thought about blogging several times but simply have not taken the time to get started ... but then on facebook, I discovered that my favorite cousin-in-law Barb started a blog & I decided it's a New Year & perhaps it's time for me to start putting my ramblings out there in the vast worldwide web too!  So here I am!

I can guarantee there will be far more talks about toddlerhood, stinky diapers, teething & slobbery dimple faced grins than scrapbooking but this is my mommy time a place for me to be me & share it with you!